Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Where have I been? Well, I'd been writing. My 2011 goal was creative success, so I'm trying new things. A little while ago, I was asked to work on a screenplay, something I'd never done before. I didn't think writing a screenplay was my cup of oolong. But I'd never tried it.

After spending several weeks on it, I must admit that I have a new respect for screenwriters. Really. You have to understand that in Los Angeles EVERYONE seems to be working on a screenplay. The kid in Starbucks is working on a screenplay. It is common lingo in LaLa Land to say, "I'm working on a screenplay."

I was telling a friend about my latest venture, and she encouraged me. She said you SHOULD write a screenplay. Lord knows, there are people who can't write who are writing a screenplay. I thought, yeah!

More later.


Sundry said...

Totally true. Just because it's being done by others doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. I read a lot of scripts, and a lot of people who write them can barely rub two words together. You're gonna rock it!

Cheryl said...

You are the ultimate Renaissance man, Noel! I hope you're going to star in it too. :-)

the last noel said...

Thanks to you both! We'll see what happens.